Sunday, November 23, 2014

When You've Hit a Hault

As you can tell I have had a hard time getting the chance to post on here recently. I have noticed what professional bloggers talk about when they say you have to make this a priority. Life has gotten the best of me and I just kept putting off writing.

I also noticed that once it started getting painfully cold outside I didn't make time to go out and talk to and help the homeless. Which now that I sit back and think about, was very selfish of me. Even though it is cold, it doesn't mean that the homeless disappear. They are still living on the streets, and I didn't take the time to go out and to spend a few hours in the cold to talk to them.

After I came upon this revelation I really regretted all the time I didn't spend out on the streets befriending these people. From this moment forward I vow to not let the conditions stop me from going out and doing what I set out to do in the first place. And to keep blogging, I'm glad that I finally had this realization and I can stop being selfish and make time for others again.

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